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1 Medium Head of Cabbage (red or green)
2-3 tablespoons of Himalayan Salt (Pink Salt)*See below
1 tsp of Caraway Seeds
1 Onion
2 Cloves of Garlic Fresh Grated Ginger about an Inch
½ an Apple or Pear
Additional herbs and spices if you would like Tumeric is AMAZING if you can get it fresh!

cooking procedure

Raw Sauerkraut 

Raw Sauerkraut Here is THE easiest Raw Sauerkraut Recipe that I have found so far. This was my first Recipe and is also my base recipe for experimenting when using Cabbage with other flavors.
The health benefits of sauerkraut include its ability to aid in digestion, weight loss, increase blood circulation, protect heart health, and provide energy. It also strengthens the immune system and bones, lowers cholesterol levels, eliminates inflammation, and has anti-cancer potential.
It is good for improving brain health, relieving asthma and stress, and eye and skin care.

Basic Raw Sauerkraut Recipe
  • 1 Medium Head of Cabbage (red or green)
  • 2-3 tablespoons of Himalayan Salt (Pink Salt)*See below
  • 1 tsp of Caraway Seeds
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Cloves of Garlic Fresh Grated Ginger about an Inch
  • ½ an Apple or Pear
  • Additional herbs and spices if you would like Tumeric is AMAZING if you can get it fresh!
Equipment you will need 
Above Ingredient’s Glass jar with a tight fitting lid (1ltr is nice)
Wooden Pounder OR a wooden rolling pin OR your strong hands
Large Bowl
Food processor, knife or grater

SAVE the outer leaves for your seal and leave them whole, you know the ones you normally chuck out.
Chop, process or grate your cabbage. Place in your bowl (use a really big one), sprinkle the salt over the cabbage and add your caraway seeds and you can leave it sit for 20mins. I cut everything else up and clean up. This lets the cabbage start to relax and release its magic.

Massage OR pound your cabbage to release more juices and them massage it some more THIS is where the magic starts so be patient. Using clean hands or a spoon start to fill your jar and as you do push and press it down as you go and you will find it release more juices and as you fill your jar the juice you release will start to rise. You NEED the juice to always cover your filling. Fill your jar up leaving a 5cm gap from the top AND making sure that all of the juice is covering your Cabbage.

Grab your SAVED outer Cabbage leaves and arrange it in the top of the jar to ensure it pushes down your cabbage and allow the juice to rise above your Kraut. THIS is essential as it will stop your Kraut turning off while it is fermenting. Seal your lid loosely and keep it at room temp for 3-6days (it all depends on the Air Temp). Don’t be afraid to test it 3 days in.

Once fermenting has taken place pop it in the fridge and it will keep for several months.
*Salt Requirements: 1-2 tablespoons per 1kg of Cabbage (minimum 20grams per 1kg)

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